Okay, so I admit it. The one thing I absolutely, without any question, despise is going to the dentist office. I don't think I have ever had a good experience, and then on top of that, knowing that I'm going to be paying mucho bucks to have some over-weight dude stick his big fingers in my mouth and ask me if I knew that I had two thing-a-majiggers hanging down in the back of my throat. (I'll explain that in a minute.)
It all started about two weeks ago when my upper back tooth started killing me like crazy!! So when I couldn't put it off any longer I decided that I would face my most dreaded fear. I had to venture into the dentist office. First, let me explain about my two thing-a-majiggers. Okay, so here is my biggest, deepest secret. When I was born I was born with double uvulas. That is the main uvula split in half and instead of having one uvula that dangles down, I have two uvulas that dangle down. So whats the big deal? Well, not a lot, except for a few minor disadvantages. For example, when I get a sore throat it is twice the pain, I also gag easier, or, say when the dentist sprays water in my mouth to rinse the tooth it is extremely hard to close the back of my throat to keep the liquid from being swallowed.
So here I am at the dentist. My appointment was for 9:00 in the morning. I arrive at 8:45 in hopes that I can get in early and get this done with. Well, much to my suprise, I was let right in, and even better, the nurse came in, prepped me and took x-rays. "Alright" things are looking great so far, but boy how I was wrong. The next 30 minutes I sat in that chair staring up at the ceiling with the light they forgot to turn off shining in my eyes. Finally!!! A tall, gangley looking dude with wild fuzzy hair walks in, and in broken english, says his name is Dr. ________. (It's sad that as a teacher I'm suppose to have good insurance, yet this is the best dentist I could find.) Anyway, sure enough, he looks in my mouth and asks, "do you know that you have two uvulas in the back of your throat?" I wanted to say no and ask him what I needed to do to fix it, but couldn't say anything because his fingers were in my mouth. That's another thing; I can't stand when they are working on your tooth and they start talking to you, asking you questions and then they seem put out when you can't answer them. After a few minutes he looks at the x-rays and says to me: "maybe you need a root canal and maybe you don't." WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN????
The Dr. rubbed some stuff on my gums and then gave me atleast 4 shots. He then left the room and 45 minutes later came back. You may think I'm exaggerating, but honest to goodness it was 45 minutes, and the thing that got me the most was he then had to give me two more shots, because the novacaine had worn off. So the dentist is drilling like crazy and his assistant, who is an intern, is using a big suction tube to pick up all the miscellanous particles flying around in my mouth. She then sticks the suction in the back of my throat and sucks up my right thing-a-majigger. I'm not one that cries easily, but it took all the manpower inside of me to hold back my tears. Needless to say that the next hour and a half was one of the worst expreriences in my life. Well there it is. Until next time my fat fingered friends, yours truley Double Dangley.